Hawaii real estate agent adopts IDX Broker and revolutionizes online property search for buyers
EUGENE, ORE. - September 16, 2013 - (RealEstateRama) -- Today, IDX, Inc. welcomes Don Austgen to the growing network of real estate agents and brokers updating their realty websites with the easy-to-use and efficient IDX Broker software. By adding a customizable IDX solution to his website Austgen has solidified his devotion and dedication to serving his clients and their real estate needs. With IDX Broker, searching for a home online has never been easier, thanks to their innovative search capabilities. Austgen has forever changed the way home seekers in and around Kihei, Hawaii search for properties online
Honolulu, Hawaii area homes displayed seamlessly on the IDX enabled website of Simone Swanson
EUGENE, OR - June 10, 2013 - (RealEstateRama) -- Honolulu, Hawaii home seekers can now quickly and easily find their dream home online, thanks to the partnership between IDX, Inc. and real estate broker Simone Swanson. The IDX solution now employed by Swanson syncs his search page and property listings to thousands of homes listed on the Hawaii Central MLS (HiCentralMLS) database. Never before has it been so easy for Hawaii home seekers to search for a property online. IDX Broker software has revolutionized the way listings are displayed and potential buyers search for real estate online
Hawaii properties displayed with ease on IDX-enabled website
EUGENE, OR - June 7, 2012 - (RealEstateRama) -- IDX, Inc. welcomes Pahoa, Hawaii broker Lynda Carroll to the growing network of real estate agents and brokers who have adopted a customizable IDX solution for their professional websites. As a member of the Hawaii Info Service MLS (HISMLS), Carroll has long had access to thousands of detailed property listings. Now, her clients and other area home seekers attain the benefit of viewing the same listings that were once classified as available only to Realtors, via her IDX-enabled search page.
Hawaii homes displayed with ease on the IDX enabled website of agent Jayne Doole
EUGENE, OR - January 31, 2012 - (RealEstateRama) -- Today, IDX, Inc. announces Jayne Doole of East Oahu Realty is the most recent real estate professional to adopt a customizable IDX solution for his website. Now, Hawaii Central MLS (HiCentralMLS) listings are conveniently integrated onto the search page Doole sponsors, creating a thorough and comprehensive database of property listings for his clients to search through. With the innovative IDX Broker software he has adopted, White has chosen to revolutionize his website and forever change the way his potential buyer clients find the home of their dreams online.
IDX-enabled website of Realtor Jayne Doole simplifies Honolulu online home search
EUGENE, OR - January 19, 2012 - (RealEstateRama) -- IDX, Inc. welcomes Jayne Doole and East Oahu Realty to the growing network of real estate agents and brokers who have chosen to revolutionize their professional websites with the innovative IDX Broker software. As a member of Hawaii Central MLS (HiCentralMLS), Doole has long had the ability to scan PAAR listings. Now, her clients have the same level of accessibility, thanks to her custom IDX solution. Finding the perfect Honolulu, Hawaii property online has never been easier!
Honolulu real estate agent syncs website with thousands of Hawaii listings, thanks to his...
EUGENE, OR - June 24, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- IDX, Inc. has forever changed the way Honolulu, Hawaii home seekers find their dream home, by suppling David Nash with his own customizable IDX solution. The IDX Broker software integrated onto the website of Nash extracts raw listing data directly from the Hawaii Central MLS (HiCentral) and displays it online. Dynamic search features help potential Honolulu buyers to narrow and focus their online property search, while simultaneously matching them with a concise group of real estate listings. IDX Broker software simplifies the real estate website Nash hosts, giving home seekers a fast, easy and comprehensive online property search.
Karla Casey and IDX Broker bring iPhone enabled property search to Hawaiian Islands real...
EUGENE, OR - February 25, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- The premier IDX technology, IDX Broker software, has seamlessly integrated thousands of Oahu, Hawaii properties onto the professional website of Broker Karla Casey. Hawaii Central MLS (Honolulu) listings are easily accessible to home seekers with multiple search tools that makes the search page Casey hosts efficient and effective. Karla Casey has truly revolutionized the online property search experience for her clients, potential buyers and even herself.
Oahu Realtor Tehane Wurdeman integrates IDX Broker software onto dynamic Hawaii real estate website
EUGENE, OR - February 24, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Tehane Wurdeman, real estate professional with Century 21 All Islands, has teamed with IDX, Inc. to create an easy-to-use real estate search page for all potential Oahu, Hawaii buyers. The versatile tools and search features Wurdeman now displays on her website make the online property search monumentally easier for home seekers and real estate professionals alike. Hawaii Central MLS (HiCentralMLS) are synced to her search page, giving her website a competitive advantage in the market.